The Free[d] Bird

A little over a decade ago, my best friend sexually assaulted me. This is not news to many of you, but in the chance that it is the first time you are hearing of it, I’d happily like to point you in the direction of my last post, The Caged Bird. On the other hand, this post will be “hot off the press” to most of you…

The Caged Bird

In primary school, every holiday was a time to look forward to – for obvious reasons of freedom and playtime. As individuals in that liminal space between egotistical adolescence and lingering boyishness, we would spend time playing games, watching movies, sleeping late, prank-calling friends, talking about girls and sex, and jamming to songs on forbidden TV channels – the typical guy stuff.


In Fall 2019, I was a Freshman at an American college — green and eager to explore what God had in store for me in this far-away land. Within my first few weeks, my identity as a black man, and all its implications, had been thrust upon me.